Our classes are now located at our "Studio North" location. When arriving make sure you have all your materials listed below for you class!
· A sketchbook or pad with watercolor paper – 9x12 is good if you’re unsure what size you like, but anything will work. 140lb cold press is standard for paper.
· Watercolors—I like the premade sets by Koi as a budget option, and individual tubes by either M. Graham or Daniel Smith if you’re looking to invest in nicer materials. In terms of colors, if you’re buying your own I recommend a split primary (warm/cool red, warm/cool blue, warm/cool yellow) plus a pink (anything with magenta or rose in the title should work).
· Masking fluid or a masking pen—make sure it is removable!
· Calligraphy nib & holder for applying masking fluid—you can also use an “incredible nib” or brush, but I find I get the best results from the metal nib.
· Brushes—get a set to experiment with, or pick ~3 brushes that look like fun to use. No bristle. Short handle preferred. Make sure to have at least one round.
· Light color watercolor pencil—for sketching. Pick one you can see easily on white but that will blend into most colors. Beige, yellow, or tan work well.
*To reserve your place in any class, payment must be received at the time of registration.
*For a refund on any of our classes, we will need to be notified at least 48 hours in advance of the first class.
***All Students get 20% off purchases made while enrolled in a class***