*I’ve listed my recommendations here but I am very flexible in terms of what “type” of each material you get. The item in bold is the necessity and if you have something in that category, bring it along! You can always get something else with your 20% discount at the store if your item doesn’t work.
· A sketchbook! - 9x12 Drawing is my favorite, bonus if you’ve already done some work in it
· A page you’d like to cover up – simply bookmark this page in your sketchbook
· One large piece of mixed media paper – at least 11x17 but bigger is better!
· Paint – acrylic, watercolor, or gouache. No oils. It doesn’t have to be fancy.
· Brushes – one 1” flat, and two of other shapes / sizes that intrigue you
· Glue Stick
· Ephemera for collaging – old pieces you’d be okay with cutting up, mail your loved ones have sent that you don’t want to throw away but don’t want on your fridge anymore, newspaper cutouts from your favorite comic, pages you used to test all the pens in your junk drawer, flight cards from breweries, etc.
· Scissors or X-Acto & Straight Edge – either will work
· Drawing materials – pencils, colored pencils, markers, paint pens, etc. I usually recommend bringing whatever you’re most excited to use right now